Healthcare Laser Safety Officer Certification

What are the requirements to become a Healthcare LSO?

What do you need for a Healthcare LSO Certification?

To become a certified Laser Safety Officer (LSO) in a healthcare setting, several key steps and requirements must be met. These steps typically involve specific training, knowledge, and experience, which can vary depending on the certifying body and the specific needs of the healthcare facility. Here’s a comprehensive overview based on industry standards and best practices:

Training Requirements

Healthcare LSO Certification - $199

With our curriculum, you will become the in-house expert in the following:
  • How Lasers Work
  • Scientific Terms
  • Hazard Evaluation
  • Control Measures
  • Medical Examinations
  • Non-Beam Hazards
  • Eye & Skin Exposure
  • Hazard Classification
  • Environmental Controls
  • Protective Equipment
  • Warning Signs
  • Laser Generated Airborne Contaminants
  • Secondary Radiation
  • Fire Hazards
Healthcare lso certification.

Does OSHA require a Laser Safety Officer in healthcare facilities?

Yes, OSHA does require a Laser Safety Officer (LSO) in healthcare facilities that use lasers, particularly for higher-class lasers which pose significant hazards. The role of the LSO in healthcare settings is crucial for ensuring the safe use of lasers and compliance with safety standards and regulations.

OSHA and ANSI Requirements

Infographic depicting the collaboration between OSHA and ANSI in laser safety compliance. OSHA enforces standards and cites violations, while ANSI develops safety standards and updates technology guidelines.

OSHA Standards:

  • OSHA’s regulations emphasize the need for a comprehensive laser safety program in workplaces that use lasers, including healthcare facilities. This program must be overseen by a designated individual, typically the LSO, to ensure compliance with safety standards.
  • The OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) specifically addresses the need for an LSO in environments where lasers are used, including healthcare, to implement safety measures and training programs​​.

ANSI Z136.3 – Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care:

  • The ANSI Z136.3 standard specifically addresses laser safety in healthcare settings and mandates the designation of an LSO for facilities using Class 3B and Class 4 lasers. These lasers pose higher risks and require stringent control measures and oversight.
  • The LSO is responsible for establishing and maintaining the laser safety program, conducting hazard evaluations, implementing control measures, and ensuring that all personnel are adequately trained​​.

Responsibilities of the LSO in Healthcare Facilities

The LSO in healthcare facilities has several critical responsibilities to ensure laser safety:
Banner for Laser Safety Certification featuring a cartoon person with a "LSO" badge reading a document beside a robot arm and a worker in a hard hat operating machinery. Text reads "The Laser Safety Guardian.

Laser Safety Program

Develop and enforce policies and procedures for the safe use of lasers.
Ensure compliance with OSHA, ANSI, and other relevant standards.

Training and Education

Provide laser safety training to all healthcare personnel who may be exposed to laser hazards, including operators, maintenance staff, and support personnel.
Ensure that training covers laser hazards, control measures, emergency procedures, and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Hazard Evaluation and Classification

Assess laser systems and environments to identify potential hazards.
Classify lasers according to their risk level and ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

Control Measures

Implement engineering controls (e.g., beam enclosures, interlocks) and administrative controls (e.g., SOPs).
Ensure the availability and proper use of PPE, such as laser safety goggles and protective clothing.

Incident Response and Documentation

Investigate laser-related accidents and incidents, document findings, and implement corrective actions.
Maintain records of training, safety audits, equipment maintenance, and incident reports.

ANSI Z136.3 Standards

Familiarity with the ANSI Z136.3 standard for the safe use of lasers in healthcare, which provides guidelines on hazard classifications, control measures, and safety protocols.

Laser Safety Training

Completion of a laser safety training program that covers the fundamentals of laser physics, biological effects of laser radiation, laser hazard evaluation, and control measures.
Training should specifically address the safe use of lasers in healthcare settings, including medical and surgical applications.

OSHA Guidelines

Understanding OSHA regulations and guidelines relevant to laser safety in healthcare, particularly those outlined in the OSHA Technical Manual (OTM).

Certification Process

Course Content

The course should cover topics such as laser classifications, hazard evaluations, safety controls, regulatory requirements, and the role of the LSO.
Specific modules related to healthcare applications, including surgical and diagnostic uses of lasers, are essential.


Successfully pass an examination that tests knowledge of laser safety principles, regulations, and best practices.

Practical Experience

Some certification programs may require practical experience or hands-on training with lasers in a healthcare setting.
This experience can be gained through supervised practice, internships, or working under a certified LSO.

Key Competencies and Skills

Hazard Evaluation

Ability to assess and classify laser systems according to their hazard potential.
Conduct risk assessments and implement appropriate safety measures.

Control Measures

Knowledge of engineering controls, administrative controls, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) specific to healthcare laser applications.

Training and Communication

Skills in training healthcare personnel on laser safety, including proper use and maintenance of laser equipment.
Effective communication to ensure compliance with safety protocols and regulatory requirements.

If you are in a healthcare facility with a Class 4 Medical Laser Device, who needs training?

In a healthcare facility that utilizes Class 4 medical laser devices, it is crucial that a comprehensive laser safety training program is implemented. Class 4 lasers are the most hazardous and require stringent safety measures. The following individuals need to receive safety training:
Infographic explaining Class 4 lasers as extreme hazards, detailing their powerful nature, potential to damage materials, fire hazards, required strict safety controls, and examples of uses.

Laser Safety Officer (LSO)

The LSO must be present during the operation of Class 4 Medical Laser Device

LSO Role During Class 4 Laser Operation:

  • The LSO is responsible for overseeing that laser safety is being properly administered during Class 4 Laser operation. 
  • The LSO is also responsible for conducting hazard evaluations, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

LSO Class 4 Laser Training Requirements:

  • All Healthcare Laser Technicians must be trained in safe use of Class 4 Lasers according to ANSI Z136.3
  • All patients underdoing procedures must have proper Personal Protective Equipment, but do not require training.

Healthcare Personnel (HCP) Operating the Laser

All HCP must be properly trained in safe use of Class 4 Lasers

HCP Role During Class 4 Laser Operation:

  • The HCP must ensure safe use of the Class 4 laser device during its operation.
  • The HCP is responsible for ensuring the safety of the patient undergoing the procedure.

HCP Class 4 Training Requirements:

  • Basic laser physics and principles of operation.
  • Specific operational procedures for the Class 4 laser device.
  • Potential hazards associated with the use of the laser.
  • Implementation of control measures, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Emergency procedures and response protocols.

Maintenance and Technical Staff

Anyone working on the Class 4 medical laser device must be trained by the manufacturer

Maintenance Role During Class 4 Laser Operation:

  • Individuals responsible for the maintenance, calibration, and technical support of the laser equipment.
  • These personnel must be trained by the manufacturer in safe maintenance of the laser device

Maintenance Class 4 Training Requirements:

  • Detailed understanding of the laser system’s technical specifications.
  • Safe maintenance practices and procedures.
  • Hazard evaluation during servicing and maintenance activities.
  • Use of appropriate PPE and safety controls during maintenance.

Administrative and Support Staff

Anyone who has contact with the laser device should receive training

Support Role During Class 4 Laser Operation:

  • These people may be responsible for transporting or storing the medical laser device
  • Special care must be taken with fiber lasers to avoid fiber breakage
  • Electrical hazards can occur during power-up or shut-down of the device

Administrative Class 4 Training Requirements:

  • Basic understanding of laser safety principles.
  • Awareness of the potential hazards in their working environment.
  • Emergency procedures and how to respond in case of an incident.
  • Importance of signage and controlled access to laser areas.

Patients and Visitors

Patient should receive an informal briefing of the hazards of the procedure, and be provided with sufficient PPE

Patient Role During Class 4 Laser Operation:

  • Patients undergoing procedures involving lasers and any visitors in the vicinity of the laser operation should receive informal hazard awareness training.
  • This includes people observing the procedure.

Patient Class 4 Training Requirements:

  • Patients should be informed about the procedure, the laser’s role, and the safety measures in place to protect them.
  • Visitors should be made aware of restricted areas and safety protocols to avoid accidental exposure.

Key Components of the Training Program

Laser Physics and Safety Fundamentals

Basics of how lasers work and the specific risks associated with Class 4 lasers.
Biological effects of laser radiation on eyes and skin.

Regulatory and Standard Compliance

Understanding ANSI Z136.3 and OSHA regulations relevant to healthcare laser use.
State-specific regulations and guidelines.

Hazard Identification and Control Measures

Identifying potential laser hazards and implementing appropriate control measures.
Use of engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE to mitigate risks.

Emergency Procedures

Steps to take in case of accidental exposure or other laser-related incidents.
First aid measures and emergency response protocols.

Practical Training and Demonstrations

Hands-on training with the laser equipment to ensure familiarity and safe operation.
Demonstrations of safety procedures and the correct use of PPE.

Regular Refresher Training

Ongoing education to keep staff updated on new safety protocols and technological advancements.
Annual refresher courses to reinforce safety principles and ensure continued compliance.


OSHA and ANSI standards mandate the appointment of a Laser Safety Officer in healthcare facilities that use higher-class lasers (Class 3B and Class 4). The LSO plays a vital role in ensuring the safe use of lasers by implementing safety programs, conducting training, performing hazard evaluations, and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. This role is essential for protecting healthcare personnel and patients from laser hazards​​.

To become a certified Healthcare Laser Safety Officer (LSO), you need to complete a comprehensive training program, pass a certification exam, and acquire practical experience in laser safety. Familiarity with ANSI Z136.3 standards and OSHA regulations is essential, along with skills in hazard evaluation, implementation of control measures, and effective training and communication. Continuing education and periodic recertification help maintain the necessary expertise to ensure ongoing compliance and safety in healthcare laser applications​​​​.

In a healthcare facility using Class 4 medical laser devices, safety training is mandatory for all personnel directly or indirectly involved with the laser operation. This includes the Laser Safety Officer, healthcare personnel operating the laser, maintenance and technical staff, and administrative and support staff. Patients and visitors should also be informed about safety measures. The training program should cover laser physics, regulatory compliance, hazard control measures, emergency procedures, and practical demonstrations to ensure a comprehensive understanding of laser safety​​​​.