Check our our online written
Industrial LSO Certification course

We’ve got the course for you:
Industrial lso certification.
Industrial LSO Certification
Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Certification
Online Written Course
ANSI Z136.1 & 100% OSHA Compliant
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What's in the Course?

  • LSO Roles & Responsibilities
  • Laser Basics
  • Scientific Terms
  • Hazard Evaluation
  • Control Measures
  • Laser Safety Training
  • Medical Examinations
  • Non-Beam Hazards
  • Eye and Skin Exposure

Course Features & Benefits

  • Instantly Printable Certificate
  • Complete Certification in approx. 1 Hour
  • 100% OSHA Compliant
  • Convenient Online Training
  • Compatible on All Devices
  • ANSI Standard Z136.1
  • Up to and including Class 4 Lasers

Course Preview

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the laser safety logo.

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These are some of our biggest customers, maybe you recognize them!

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``We found it to be very easy and intuitive to use, and it helped get our guys trained on laser safety very quickly. It certainly saves us a lot of time and has become a staple in our onboarding process.``

-Gabe of Carbon Robotics (Maka Autonomous Systems)