Does this certification have anything to do with ANSI & OSHA?
Our certification courses are compliant with OSHA according to ANSI Standards Z136.1 & Z136.3 for safe use of lasers in industrial, laboratory, and healthcare applications.
Will this certification work in my State/Municipality?
The certification is applicable all across the United States (but not Canada/Mexico/Europe/Asia). OSHA is a federal institution in the US, so the standards apply everywhere. Your state will likely require you to register your laser equipment with them, but you can find more information in the resource section at the bottom of this page.
Which of your courses is best for me or my employees?
That depends on what class of laser is in use, what the application is, and what your role is. If your lasers are Class 3B or Class 4, you must have an on-site laser safety officer (LSO). But it’s a good idea to have one on site no matter what kind of laser is being used; your state may require it anyway. If you use a laser etcher, cutter or in fabrication, you should take our Industrial LSO course. If you work in the medical field, you should take the Healthcare Laser Safety course since it is the most applicable to your field. If you want to provide your employees with basic laser safety information, sign them up for the Industrial Laser Safety course. If you want to have an LSO who then needs to train an unlimited number of employees in basic laser safety, order the LSO+Kit Bundle. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students
Does a Class 1 Laser System with an Embedded Class 4 Laser inside require an LSO on-site?
In general, every facility with laser equipment requires at least one on-site LSO. The Class 1 Laser will be safe unless the enclosure is removed, in which case the LSO needs to be present to supervise any maintenance procedures. However, for general operation of the Class1 laser system under normal circumstances, LSO supervision is not required.
Do you mail me a certificate or do I get it online?
Your certificate in pdf form will be emailed to you upon successful completion of our courses. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Do you provide training at my location or offsite?
Our courses are 100% online. If you order the LSO Kit, one person is designated to take the LSO course online and a kit containing paper copies and a USB flash drive of all the materials needed to do basic laser safety training is shipped in 2-3 business days. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Who in my organization should get certified for Laser Safety?
Any employee who operates or works near laser equipment should be certified. This includes laser technicians, but also includes Engineers, Maintenance Personnel, Lab Managers, and Facilities Personnel.
How many times can I take the course? What happens if I get too many questions wrong?
The online course can be paused and also retaken until it is passed. It also has learning oriented quizzes and exams, which means it’s designed to teach you the relevant information and it is impossible to fail.
Can I go back and review the course material after I receive my certificate?
Once you’ve completed the course and received your certificate you can no longer access the course material. If you would like recurring access to training material, consider getting the LSO Kit option, which allows you to train an unlimited number of employees with a hard copy of our program. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Will the program help us to know how to design laser barriers and what PPE to purchase?
Yes, the training covers in detail how to equip your facilities and operators properly in order to meet OSHA and ANSI laser safety standards. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Do you guys sell products like warning labels and PPE?
We sell Laser Safety Warning Signs on a different site, all of which are fully OSHA compliant, for all classes of lasers. We have a blog post about how to select the correct laser safety glasses & goggles, and you can reach out to us anytime if you would like support on which goggles are correct for your application.
Do you need to take the LSO exam to get the LSO certification or is that included with the course?
Yes, enrolling in our LSO certification course will give you all the info you need to be properly trained as a Laser Safety Officer. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
If you take the Industrial Laser Safety course, do you get a certification without needing an exam?
All of our online courses provide a certificate upon successful completion of the curriculum, quizzes and final exam. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
How long does it take to complete the course and get a certificate?
This depends on you, but the LSO and Medical courses can be completed in a few hours and the basic laser safety course is possible to complete in less than an hour. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
What comes in the LSO Kit?
When you sign up a student and order the LSO Safety Training Kit as a “bundle” (which is a savings of $99!) the student will take the online LSO course and the Kit will be shipped within 2-3 business days. The kit contains all the materials needed to train an unlimited number of employees in basic laser safety. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Does the certificate apply to countries outside of the US?
Our course is based on OSHA & ANSI guidelines and is not applicable outside the US. To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
What do I do after I sign up?
It’s super easy to get started!
- Enroll your company.
- Add students and assign courses/products.
- Students are sent an email with linkage to take the course with their user ID and password.
- Students log in and take the course.
- Students receive certificates after successful completion.
Once I register my company, can I go back later and add more students?
Yes! You can reuse your employer ID and add more students any time! To get started, click HERE to enroll your company and add students.
Useful Links & Resources
Check out all the free info available from OSHA & ANSI. We are happy to help you learn what regulations apply to your facility.
OSHA Laser Safety Main Page: https://www.osha.gov/laser-hazards
OSHA Laser Safety Standards: https://www.osha.gov/laser-hazards/standards
OSHA Technical Manual: https://www.osha.gov/otm/section-3-health-hazards/chapter-6
OSHA Regulations Specific to your State: https://www.osha.gov/stateplans
ANSI Laser Safety Standards: https://blog.ansi.org/ansi-z136-1-2014-safe-use-of-lasers
ANSI PDFs for Sale (not through us): https://webstore.ansi.org/industry/lasers/safety
Laser Incident/Accident Reporting & Statistics: https://laserincidents.com/datasources.html
Laser Safety Information: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/
Laser Pointer Information: https://laserpointersafety.com/
Maximum Permissible Energy (MPE): https://lasermpe.com/
Laser Safety Signs
OSHA Compliant Laser Safety Warning Signs for all Classes of Lasers for your Facility
Not sure what is right for you? Answer a few questions and we will point you in the right direction.
Still have questions? Please contact us any time!